Helping Ukraine should be simple and cost-free. We are here to help you get started, or continue, your support for Ukraine.
Let’s Get started!
Contact Us
Ideas That Worked
Local Trusted Nonprofits
Shop4UA Volunteers

Let’s Get started!
Thank you for considering supporting Ukraine. We believe local businesses like yours have the power to unite local communities to offer support to the Ukrainian community.
But, helping can be daunting, adding additional pressure on business owners that are already busy with daily responsibilities.
We hope that this guide will make the planning process easier and quicker for you to get started on your helping journey!

Step 1: Set Goals and Boundaries
- How much time/resources can you give?
- If giving, what can you give (i.e. products, services, cash, etc.)?
- Or do you have other strengths to offer (i.e. wide network of customers, space to host events, expertise, etc.)?

Step 2: Brainstorm and Plan
- Brainstorm ideas that fit your goals and boundaries Ideas That Worked
- Ask your customers for input, especially if you have Ukrainian customers.
- Talk to Shop4UA volunteers who will offer you suggestions Contact Us
- Select a nonprofit if you are donating or fundraising Local Trusted Nonprofits

Step 3: Marketing!
- Promote among your customers and community.
- Considering contacting local media!
- Share on your social media, website, and mailing list.
- Tell Shop4UA to share with the Ukrainian community Contact Us

Step 4: Share Your Impact
- Conclude your initiative.
- Share your impact on social media, local news, and with Shop4UA Contact Us
Contact Us
📱 +1-339-545-1405
✉️ [email protected]
🌐 LinkedIn